Water Conservation Technologies

Bring these water savings appliances into your home/cottage!

Whether you want to simply change the tap inserts in your home to use less water, or maybe your ready to go as far as installing a new toilet and washing machine...Pick one, or choose them all, these technologies will help you decrease your water consumption around the home or cottage!

 Simply click on the picture to learn more about the technology!


 Click on the picture to learn more about two water conservation technologies you can add to your bathroom. The Dual flush toilet which allows you to choose between a 3 or 6 litre flush. Also perfect for cottagers the composting toilet, which uses no water at all!

Low-Flow Products

Low-Flow showerheads and faucets are a great way to cut back on your water consumption everyday!

Front Loading Washing Machines

Front loading washing machines use a lot less water than conventional washers. This provides you with a dual duty machine since there is less water, there is less water to heat, meaning your saving on energy as well!

Greywater Recycling and Rainwater Catchments

Greywater systems prevent wasting water that has not been mixed with human wastes. Greywater is water leaving your sink, for example, and can be re-used for various practices such as flushing the toilet! Reducing, reusing, and recycling!

Rainwater catchments or rain barrels are used to catch the falling rain, usually from the roof. This practice prevents the use of additional water to water your lawns, gardens, or plants!